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Denim Hair Bow on Alligator Clip by letterbdesigns on Etsy https://www.etsy.com/listing/231690324/denim-hair-bow-on-alligator-clip
Como Fazer Laço Duplo de Tecido - Passo a Passo Simples - Revista Artesanato
Como Fazer Laço Duplo de Tecido – Passo a Passo Simples
【木木DIY社区】丝带 蕾丝组合 精品套装 mus28#(配置有变动) - 堆糖,美图壁纸兴趣社区
Laços, laços e mais laços
Ribbon Rose Illustrated Tutorial: fold angles, pin, stitch perimeters, layer | I would heat seal the raw edges of the organdy ribbon to prevent fraying & sew a bling onto the flower center
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Ribbon Rose - Korean, won't translate properly but you can follow the pix.
Most inspiring pictures and photos!
ruffle ribbon bow headband w/ jewels in the center area...photo tutorial...bow is very pretty for a little girl