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9 Gorgeously Illustrated Quotes From Great Thinkers | Co.Design | business + design - book of inspirational quotations "Whatever you are be a good one"
New Year Motivation, Inspiration, Quotes and Typography at The Motivated Type http://www.etsy.com/shop/TheMotivatedType
Are you truly happy? Bc last I checked shit y'all do is senior shit an at your age that's just sad . Though you grew up ,wish you did at least ...
America, “Ventura Highway” ~ Chewing on a piece of grass, walkin’ down the road. Tell me, how long you gonna stay here, Joe? Some people say this town don't look good in snow. You don't care, I know. Ventura Highway in the sunshine, Where the days are longer, the nights are stronger than moonshine. You're gonna go ... I know. 'Cause the free wind is blowin' through your hair, And the days surround your daylight there. Seasons crying, no despair, Alligator lizards in the air ... in the air ...
The Secrets of a Lonely Girl
Sueños de Boho ~~ Quiero margaritas en el pelo, té verde en la mano, y amor en el corazón. ♥♥♥ Boho dreams ~~ I want daisies in my hair, green tea in my hand, and love in my heart.
"It is the free spirited men and women that we most admire and often envy - those individuals who dare to be themselves." Kevyn Aucoin
pronunciation | el-U-“ther-O-‘mAn-E-a #eleutheromania, noun, origin: greek, english, AMERICA, amurrica, freedom, free, words, otherwordly, other-wordly, definitions, E, lots of E words lately,
Monday Quote: Stay Wild
"I was talking to someone recently about age, and how I don’t feel my age at all. I feel like I’m still a kid sometimes on the inside, I still just want to run around outside and climb trees and get dirty. Anyone will tell you the importance of being young at heart, and I certainly believe in its power. Don’t just be young at heart, be wild at heart and stay that way forever."