Beware of sweets!

Desserts are bad for your teeth but they are sooooo good!!
13 Pins
Rules To Substitute Honey For Sugar Conversion Chart
Get rid of the refined sugar & use honey in your best baking recipes instead! You also need to use baking soda, so click through to the article so you know how much to use!
Frozen Yogurt Bark with Berries
Frozen Yogurt Bark with Berries - Frozen yogurt studded with gorgeous blue and red berries! A delicious, fun, and healthy dessert!
eek! Decay is NOT your friend! The longer you leave it, the more invasive the treatment (to both you AND your wallet!)
Can You Guess the Calories in These Boardwalk Foods?
Find out if this pink and fluffy cotton candy is over or under 400 calories here: